For those of you who don't have a clue what I'm talking about, NaNoWriMo is the National Novel Writing Month, and it lasts from November 1-30. The goal is to write a 175-page, 50,000 word novel between those dates. It's all about letting go of writing barriers and expected procedures, throwing off the usual conventions associated with novel writing, and just writing quickly. Sounds like heresy, right?
Writing quickly and for quantity is, um, REALLY hard for me, the perpetual editor. I usually can't write a single sentence without analyzing it and changing a couple of words, then rereading paragraphs for flow and clarity, then rereading it and adding a few words and deleting a few others, then rewriting the paragraph... which is impossible, when you only have 30 days! Anyway, writing for NaNoWriMo is a relief because my only expectation in doing it is just so I can say that I did, for the personal accomplishment (much like conquering a new, insane knitting pattern!) and, hopefully, so I can let go of some of my compulsive editing. :)
Happy writing!
This is such a great idea, how's it going?
HI Steffi! Thanks for visiting my blog at StudentKnitter. I can ship you a box of yarn for $4 and I'll stuff it with as much as I can! If I overload the box and the shipping goes over, I'll cover the cost. :) Any colour preferences?
Homely Heroine, NaNoWriMo was fun but I was so incredibly busy that I fell woefully, hopelessly behind. Hopefully I'll do better next year!
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